>>74557933>>74563569>putting males and females into the same branch will inevitably lead to drama that fucks up everyone around one way or the other>seethe incel holokek, just because they talk on stream doesn't mean they are fucking>3 years later>drama ridden branch limping along on its last breath>IT-ITS JUST A COINCIDENCE UNICORN KEK, IT IS TOTALLY FOR THESE OTHER REASONS THAT THE BRANCH IS DYINGHave you ever stopped to consider that these things only happened because of 1 out of 2 reasons:
1) the talents and the people managing the branch have no idea what they are doing and "challenged" the hololive norm because they don't know anything about how things work, and that that lack of knowledge would eventually lead to them committing fuck ups like the ones that have doomed the branch right now
2) Intermixing male and female vtubers leads to a shitty garbage ass community that cares more about the company than the talent, because guess what, and no matter how much you cope about it, people don't like seeing their oshi (male or female) interact with the opposite gender, and guess what, that leads to frayed and weakened relationships between the individual talents and their community, which when coupled with the inevitable "education" fuck ups means that you and your fanbase become more and more hostile over time and ready to snap at events like this instead of supporting you
Yes, you have a less "parasocial" fanbase but what's the point of that as a streamer?
Unironically have you ever stopped to think of why ANYONE would want that? "oh yeah my fans love me and would support me through hell and high water no matter what, and the only thing i need to do is just not tell them i hate them, and that they have no shot at dating me. Better fuck it up for virtue points (???)" Actually mentally disabled behaviour