>>75017218If you apologize in private for telling your audience to go shit on another streamer and anyone like them, you're unwilling to take responsibility publicly.
If she did it in public when she had a change of heart, I would applaud her for taking responsibility and trying to make things right. But she didn't, she is only apologizing publicly now because she got called out and a cringe attempt to clap back at haters failed.
She should've done both, she should've apologized to the person she attacked in private while publicly making a statement denouncing her past actions.
She did not do that, she tried to smooth things over behind the scenes in a way that keeps the whole ordeal quiet.
Don't pretend this is a "you'll hate her anyway" thing, there was a right way to do this and she didn't do that. Honestly? I was fine with her before, if she's just a hater and hates lolis then whatever. What I'm disgusted by is the actual cowardice to reverse your opinion but not own up to your past actions until you're forced to, and then try to spin it as some noble humbling thing. Bitch, I've fucking done that shit. I've been a bitch-ass coward before, and I know one when I see one.