>>75079803wow you really are low iq
I said your post was low iq because in response to an anon saying 'when's the next good stream (that happened to have a Mumei image attached) you responded to them saying saying
>Mumei>streamsmeaning that when you saw the post you assumed - just because a Mumei image was attached - that the post was supposed to be related to Mumei somehow and you kneejerk reacted and responded in a shitpost-y way about Mumei not streaming, suggesting you thought - simply from seeing a Mumei image attached - that the poster was a hooman and was saying something about Mumei and could be baited.
This is low iq behavior because it means you didn't or can't read into the context of posts and separate the image from the post. You just saw a Mumei image and compulsively responded trying to shitpost about Mumei - almost like a bot - when in actuality that anon's post was nothing to do with Mumei and the image attached was likely incidental.
Because you are low iq, you didn't realize that the actual purpose of the Mumei image attached was just because she is adjusting her glasses, giving the post a contextual element of the poster studiously inquiring about something; because you are low iq you only perceived that the post must have been about Mumei because the image was a Mumei image and not what it represented.
Hope that helps brainlet-chama.