>>75393624Not that "professionalism" dipshit, I mean genuine Professionalism
Contacting suppliers, marketing teams, making sponsorship deals, having open communication with advertisers, communitcating politely, delivering timely on your end of the deal, and establishing loyalty to brands. The type of things Selen was forced to do herself because NijiEN left her in the dust.
This is the professionalism that net Selen deals like the one in the OP, because she is a well known figure among sponsors herself as a talent.
Anycolor as company is known to be difficult to work with, and unprofessional as fuck often not paying artists is they're too small to sue back. This the reason why Dokibird was quickly offered deals and sponsorships after she left and why merch stores dropped Niji merch as soon as they terminated Selen.
Sayu never had the chance to even build this and now whenever she tries to approach sponsors they will see the labels Niji marked her with before considering making a deal.