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Supa Dupa Rare Lulu thread

No.75852685 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>One of the most iconic chuubas in vtubing, arguebly being just as much of an introduction to many people to vtubing as Miko, Coco, or Korone with her clips
>very sex and well done design that still holds up, despite being 5 years old now
>left kurosanji years before it was cool to do so
>literally just because they tried to stop her from streaming to her fans
>Graduation stream had almost 200,000 viewer. Not Coco level but still fucking gigantic sized and arguebly still one of the largest for any vtuber to date.
>Brings PL back with no yabs and even more of the content she was known and loved for.
>Has had zero mention at all on /vt/ or anywhere since 2021

Why is someone so important to vtubing completely forgotten nowadays /vt/?