well, beat Jasmine, she got a Scizor, Skarmory and Forestress in the hack, but some smart swapping managed to get us by deathless
there seem to be an optionsl Skyla fight at the lighthouse so I'll risk that and maybe regretti
current team:
>Mumei the Noctowl (should rename her to Boomei, being part ghost and all)>Belle the Weepinbell>Gene the Golem (Sturdy saved his ass from crit Iron Tail)>Revy the Typhlosion (Fire/Ground)>Uzu the Politoed (Water/Grass for some reason, should've been Fairy imho)>Gaim the Ledianhaving some type overlap, I might bench Moom and Belle for the Togekiss and Haunter I trained on the side
>>76234145that was a good scream, I like it