Bae's dream summary:
>Dream starts with her playing handball into a card game
>Old faces, one was talking smack and claimed not to but Bae brings up receipts from July 15, Bae was angry about it
>Went to visit Bae's famous musician relative playing Flight of the Bumblebees on drums + xylophone
>Kissed on the forehead by them, everyone is jealous and doesn't know Bae knows them
>After watching them play, they got transported into another setting
>Bae's friends were jealous because she's also an ASTRONAUT and they get transported into space
>Bae is monitoring space for anomalies, one day she realizes there's a hole in space
>They're not allowed to go to the space outside of space because it's uncharted, Bae is worried she could get fired
>But she goes anyway because she could make a discovery that could change the world
>Got in her spacecraft and went on her merry way to the hole
>There was an abandoned city underneath the other side of the black hole
>Posters on every door in the city with a date on it, buildings are empty
>The date said how many days before people became cups and other household items
>Bae ran out of there in terror and got back into her spaceship
>Screaming girl comes running up to her
>Bae wants to console her but there's suddenly silence in the backseat
>The girl is gone, replaced by a can of freshmints...
>Bae fled back to the real world but the curse spread there too
>There was a trick to prevent the curse, the more you talk to officers (who were actually aliens from outer space), the more likely you would turn into a household object
>Ollie came with a bag of tomatoes (she was scared of being cursed)
>Dream ends around there, she also probably fought monsters too