Rejoice: Rosemi is leaving. Vv only joined because Selen and Pomu.
Matara Kan confirmed that Rosemi is on her way out. Unsure about Vv.
Matara has tried to snipe/save people from Niji.
Matara and Minto recently blocked everyone at Niji except Rosemi. Partially the stress, Partially because it looks extremely bad publicly (Offkai was a very big turning point)
Matara never liked the younger members. Unsure why. Only exception is when they treated her like mom. It looks a little two faced on the surface but it might be that it's better for the people she's protecting to sacrifice the ones with scarlet letters. "It's not personal it's business". Some feel sad about this.
Minto feels a lot of guilt and regret and overwhelmed. Matara gently pushed her to leave it in the past and take the final cutting off decision.
A lot of people stay at Niji because IRL, Money anxiety, and protection.
Selen was not the only suicidal one.
IRL + Pomu affected someone else to suicidal lengths. One person found out and sought help from other talents who immediately lovebombed this person. Once Selen happened, this talent also felt a lot like Mint- Guilt regret and overwhelmed. Both Mint and her are the types to do things because it makes other people happier. She especially looked up to Pomu. This person became essentially a sacrificial lamb. Still feels she should take all the responsibility for Selen because she was extremely quiet and in deep depression while this was happening. Niji is good at making people feel like they are horrible people for being depressed.
This talent doesn't reach out to anyone else about her feelings because of long-standing crippling fear of talking to people about personal things. Usually keeps it at small talk. People instead reach out to her when they feel something is off. She's essentially fucked because this means people out of Niji will never reach out to her now because the scarlet letters. But all the other talents are lovebombing so obviously she's gonna stay with the scarlet letter. Like stockholm syndrome. It's kind of a really sad situation imo. It's... an inverse of Doki in the worst way possible.
Regarding protection- a lot of anti-Niji doxxers have made credible threats. The hate is extremely overwhelming, it's why nobody says anything anymore. If you have a scarlet letter, It's scarier to leave because even if you apologize or say anything, people will still hate you or accuse you of not being sincere. Then there's also all the speculations made at the most minute comments, which makes a lot of talents extremely nervous about saying anything because of the over reading. In my opinion
Vivi should quit *now* because people don't seem to hate her as much, and Nijisisters are an absolute joke with no power. I repeat: Nijisisters are a JOKE WITH NO POWER. The most they can do is the big blogpost that girl did with the list of people to boycott, and everyone just laughed at her.
It's possible some of the worst Nijisisters from the Sayu era have switched over to become the worst Anti-nijiers. Long-story short, i don't think another Sayu will happen. Vivi leave!
Ex Niji (aka "The Rainbow Retirees as they're being called") are becoming a clique. It just happened naturally, not nefariously. For some reason Sayu and Doki not included. Sayu might be because of comments she's made, especially the thing about Nina's dms with her. I feel bad for Sayu because she said this when extremely overwhelmed by all the nijisister hate and doxxing she was getting at the time, it especially feels like a slap in the face because later on Doki actually got so much love. It's unlikely se will ever be forgiven unfortunately. Doki is probably because she never really reached out to mama roach.
Mint fans: Cherish her a lot. She went through so much. If she hadn't left before Selen, the general public saw her as the "Face of Niji" much the same way people see Millie. She left at the perfect time, and even though she's going through a lot, It's only up from here.
Doki fans: You ended up the best off. Your girl won, and she deserved it. Handled everything like a true champion. The trophy mark suits her. Love your oshi.
Quinn fans i guess won too but no one cares. Your Oshi sucks.