Sapphire petals fall through infinite black sea
Misty whispers that call, drown in endless dreams
Is my sanity clinging from my mem'ry?
Is humanity a long forgotten friend?
Tenjou no yousei ga saigo no hanabira o otosu [The fae up above drop their last petal]
Kokoro wa, anata no uso o subete abaku [And their hearts, they see through all the lies you tell]
No, I won't keep praying endlessly
A world without love is not the world that I want to see
If sentiment withers, aoikeshi [like a blue poppy]
Tell me how do I reconcile the joy in my memory?
Ima ga, minna o sukuu saigo no chansu [Now is the time to save everyone, it's my final chance]
Chi no chikai [An oath of blood]
Ai no chikai [An oath of love]
Though death may die
Love is now and for Forever
Kodaijin wa rurie no ie de yume o minagara matsu [The Ancient Ones dream as they wait in R'lyeh]
When death, rebirth, time, and oceans align,
eternity's hope will power through.
Tenjou no yousei ga saigo no hanabira o otosu [The fae up above drop their last petal]
Kokoro wa, anata no uso o subete abaku [And their hearts, they see through all the lies you tell]
No, I won't keep praying endlessly
A world without love is not the world that I want to see
If sentiment withers, aoikeshi [like a blue poppy]
Tell me how do I reconcile the joy in my memory?
Ima ga, minna o sukuu saigo no chansu [Now is the time to save everyone, it's my final chance]
Aoikeshi [Blue Poppy]
Aoikeshi [Blue Poppy]
Faith and dreams belong in the arms
of Love
No, I won't keep praying endlessly
A world without love is not the world that I want to see
If sentiment withers, aoikeshi [like a blue poppy]
Tell me how do I reconcile the joy in my memory?
Ima ga, minna o sukuu saigo no chansu [Now is the time to save everyone, it's my final chance]
Chi no chikai [An oath of blood]
Ai no chikai [An oath of love]
Though death may die
Love is now and for Forever!