>>76683525>elaborate, what is cmv?CMV = Cosplay Music Video, similar tp AMV = Anime Music Video
I follow the scene since when, well, since when Jessica Nigri was young and hot way before vtubers were even a thing and, for the most part, the cosplay scene in North America is entirely based on either the seasonal anime of the moment
>take Spy vs. Family; Chainsaw man and Darling to the Franxx, for instanceor classics like Evangelion, One Piece, Naruto and similar works.
There are some niches like gacha
>usually involving "pay to play" with Azur Lane, Fate, Nikke, Arknights and Genshin having shelled good money to get top cosplayersand vidya but, for the most part, most top cosplayers won't bother trying unbeaten paths because it's a months long endeavor to put together a decent cosplay.
Having Petra Fryed (an up and coming talent in the area) pulling Holo cosplay after Holo cosplay AND
>this is the important partbeing feature in these CMVs is a big deal and I don't remember this happening evne back at the height of MythManya and the height of the pre chinkout Holo fever.