stories posted last thread (already in archive)
>Imagine being friends with an certain arctic fox that teases you at every turn until you finally snapYou collapse to your knees, tears streaming from your eyes. You couldn't take it anymore. Every day, every goddamn day you'd go to class and she was there to torment you. Mocking you, teasing you, bullying you. You tried asking her to stop, asking her why she was doing this to you, what you did wrong to her, but she would just laugh in your face and prance away.
It was too much, it was all too much. You didn't want to face it anymore. You made sure the makeshift noose was nice and tight on the doorknob before slipping the other end over your neck.
You could feel the sleeping pills kicking in. Just once you wish someone had been nice to you, but it's probably for the best that you end it here. Clearly the world hated you, so all you could really do is leave it all behind.
You feel a tightness around your throat, but don't mind it so much as you drift off to sleep.
Your limp body hangs silently in the room. It would be hours before anyone came looking.
It was 3 days before the school announced the passing of a student. The name was withheld at the request of the family and all classes observed a moment of silence at the tragic loss of a young life.
Fubuki stared at the empty seat. She had never seen him hanging out with anyone and always looking glum, which is why she did her best to interact with him. And now he was gone. If only she had been more open? She wondered how it happened, maybe she should take flowers to the family...
That night she was lost in thought, thinking of how she'd never see him again, how fragile life was, every moment precious. Her childish daydreams about him confronting her, asking her out, romantic dates and stolen kisses. All of it, smoke blown away in the breeze. Then in her pointless web surfing she came across a news story. "Young Student Commits Tragic Suicide."
Were things really that serious for him?
The following day the school held an impromptu assembly.
"Hello everyone. My name is Kathy, and I'm here to talk about bullying. Has anyone here been bullied before?"
The stream starts. She shakes the thoughts of the past from her mind as her loading intro plays. Some days were harder than others, and she knew that was true for her audience as well. To bring respite to their weary lives, to give them a smile. To pay penance.
She shakes her head again. Dwelling on things doesn't change them. One can only move forward. She switches from the loading screen to her room and greets the viewers warmly. Chat responds back kindly, bringing a smile to her. Donations with greetings come in, wishing her well, asking how her day was.
"Will you be my wife today?" one asks, and she reads it out.
"No, no, no, no wife..."
I don't deserve love
"...only friend! Friend!"
Please be my friend...