>>7745189Active roommates should never mention that they are directly linked with the company because they're all running independently. The company owns the vtubers but not the girls necessarily. That means that the girls can carry on their roommate gig should they choose to do so, but then that would mean they are not protected by the company if their roommate channels were to undergo some kinds of issues. If let's say their roommate channel had been striked a couple of times and had to appeal to the Youtube staff to remove them. They can't use their vtuber status to appeal because 1) the vtuber channel wasn't affected and 2) it would be a violation of the contract signed. NDA and all that jazz. Not sure about harassments in this case honestly as I don't normally do roommate reps, and I rarely hear any major yabs happening on the roommates' side. I would reckon that other girls in the company could help those that are affected through emotional support but the company cannot directly intervene if let's say the roommates want to file legal charges for harassment done in their own private channel because of the contract. Unless of course in extreme cases where the harassment came to a point that it could harm the roommates, the company would have no choice but to step in and protect them but all the issues would have to be addressed through the vtuber accounts without mentioning the roommate part whatsoever.
Like the anon just mentioned, if any of the roommates ever explicitly mentioned that they are this vtuber from a certain company, the company will have to terminate their contract because the roommates had breached the T&T's. And yes, I just realised that other anons had already given their answers which was more or less like what I had written except much shorter and direct. I'll post this regardless just for (you).