>>77191797Learn actual portion sizes. If you have to cuck out, get smaller plates, bowls, and glasses if you're a dumb ape that can't not fill it.
Don't snack all the damn time or if you want to, you have to reduce the size of your "meals" correspondingly.
Knock off the processed food and fast-food. A double quarter pounder is 750 calories for example. A large coke without ice is >300 calories. Large fries is 500 calories. Slice of apple pie and two scoops of ice cream for dessert....
If you're going to have dessert, liquor, juice, soda, etc. reduce or cut the side dish with your dinner. That rice is just fattying you.
Foods with butter, oil, sugar, and cheese easily pack in ridiculous amount of calories very quickly.
Drink a glass of water a half hour or so before meals.
Have oatmeal with breakfast every other day until you can gaslight yourself into every day.
Get into meal prep if you have time issues.
Buy a chest freezer and buy in bulk on sale.
Get into a regular exercise schedule. Proper weightlifting to build muscle is the best but just doing bodyweight exercise in the garage or outside the apartment in short shorts and a slutty loose wifebeater two sizes too big is better than nothing.
Stay consistent in meals and exercise. Your body is schizo as fuck and will resist rapid changes. You need to gradually work off that ~25lbs or so. If you just starved your body would schizo out and think it's dying so it'd try to store every calorie it could helping keep you skinnyfat.
Bear in mind that weight is just a number. A meme number. Hopefully you just build muscle until you're healthy and happy. bmi calcs are also a meme for overgeneralization reasons.
The water, oatmeal and exercise will help you clean the literal shit out of your sedentary bowel landfill.
>>77191855She isn't bodyshaming you. She's health insurance premium shaming you for impacting her budget.