>>77229901>The Romantic Era is GOATed.True
>>77230080>Problem is that she was just yapping about contemporary art and talking about some banana plastered on the wall and how it represented the modern era or something like thatShe's not wrong and here is something to seed your conversations
1) starting with the renaissance and up until the victorian era, the whole concept of "art" meant trying to depict reality with the UTMOST FIDELITY!
Photorealism was the name of the game and the closest to a perfect representation of reality an artist could get
>take Michelangelo's David, for instance, or Rodin's thinkerthe "best" the art would be considered.
Then came photography and, all of a sudden, any retard could create a photorealistic image of this world
>because it was LITERALLY a photography, the machine did all the work creating the depiction>here is where, if you are smart, you can make a parallel with the present day and AI artOne one hand that FUCKING KILLED the main patronage avenue for art, most artists made their livelihood drawing portraits of rich patrons (and making them look good in the process).
On the other hand, that freed a LOT of talented artists from the shackles of photorealism and they started adventuring in impressionism, expressionism, cubism even fucking dadaism
>the late 19th and early 20th century version of 4chan shitpostsand it created a whole new branch of art, one that was NOT valued for their fidelity to reality but for the self expression of the artist.
Then, came the pendulum swing in the opposite direction: with what is considered "art" being disconnected from both reality and the universal concept of beauty, and being associated with the very act of self expression, "artists" started being valued not for the quality of their work but for the boldness of their actions of self expression and most of the 20th century "modern" and "contemporary" art was a self fellating parade of ever more outrageous acts of defiance and self expression culminating in just that, a cross inside of a vat of piss and a banana taped in a blank canvas being considered the pinnacle of artistic expression, not for the quality of the work but for the boldness of the statement.
That means her statement is right (maybe not of the reason she thinks), that banana IS, with a doubt, the perfect representation of "the modern era".
But what looked like a crappy ending for that story has a silver lining: from 2015 forward there is a "countercultural" revolution going on in the art circles with a reconnection with beauty and fidelity.
If you go around in contemporary art museums you can see that, beautiful paintings with pretty colors and realistic depictions of beauty gaining a whole new protagonism
It seems like the newest generation of artists is trying to free themselves from the shackles of their "elders" and their wackiness and create something beautiful again.
Anyway, there it goes, five hours of art talk condensed in a 4chan post, if you REALLY paid attention you can get to her ears, her heart and maybe her pants too.
>or ignore all of this and just fap to Fauna, I don't know