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Vivi, and Twisty

No.77267948 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The platonic ideals of what a Hologirl should be
>b-but they’re not Holo-
WRONG! According to the greek philosopher Plato, ideas are defined by shared, universally understood concepts that the ideal versions of those ideas adhere to. Just because a girl isn’t IN Hololive, doesn’t mean they’re not a Hologirl. Hololive is more than just a brand; it’s an idea, a concept. Let’s look at the platonic concepts of what a Hologirl *should* be:
>female (biologically)
>have a primarily-male audience
>apprehensive of male collabs, will do all in their power to avoid them
>sees Vtubing as escapism just like the viewer, does not bring gender- or socio-politics up onstream, and discourages it from their chat
Yes, not all Hololive girls follow these standards, but again, a platonic concept is an average of what society sees as being something, in this case a Hologirl. After all, just because one duck gets its bill injured in a fight doesn’t mean the platonic ideal of a duck no longer has a bill. As you can see, Vivi and Twisty hit all of the listed marks, and thus, they are the platonic ideals of what a Hologirl should be.
>inb4 but they male collab
I didn’t say “no male collabs ever”, I said “will do all in their power to avoid them”. If the collab is corpo-mandated, then that isn’t their fault, and it has no effect on their platonic status.

TL;DR: like it or not, Vivi and Twisty are platonically Hololive girls. So if you hate them, anti them, or attack them, then you hate Hololive. It’s just that simple.