>>7753796An idolfag is someone who wants to see the girl succeed. The specifics are different depending on every idol; the contract is set between each idol and her fans. There are general guidelines that are met, though, and for relationships, this is how I define it:
An idol tends to stand alone, or with other idols only. The reason why is because they want to attract support from their audience. The audience will support her, but the social contract tends to preclude relationships. This is because of their standing alone; if someone is in a relationship, then they receive the support of their partner. That's well and good, but if you have support in that way, asking for extra support from others is seen as odd. This is why you see the expression, "I am everyone's idol." An idol sacrifices the support of one for the support of many. If you have the support of one, after all, that should be your goal fulfilled.
The difference between Idolfags and Unicorns is where they understand this line. Idolfags see it as a contract. The idol draws on the support of the idolfag, but in return, the idolfags ask to be treated as equals, and for one to not be elevated over another. If the Idol chooses to leave the contract and have a relationship, then that is fine, but it also relieves the idolfag of their end of the contract. They then go on to find another who asks to enter the contract. The contract is also not retroactive; idolfags don't care about the past, only that the contract is entered into faithfully in the present.
Unicorns, on the other hand, believe their contract contract be both perpetual, and exclusive. Unicorns want to be elevated above other idolfags, and be the exclusive supporter and recipient of their Idol's success. Their endgoal is to one day become that Idol's significant other. When someone exits the contract, they go insane, believing that the contract should not be theirs to exit, and that they own their Idol beyond the stage itself. They also value being their SOLE significant other; Unicorns see someone having a relationship in the past as a retroactive betrayal of their trust, as the Idol, in the Unicorn's mind, promised themselves to the Unicorn and only to them.
Unicorns are rabid and retarded. Idolfags are strict about the contract, but lenient in how it takes shape. There are ones who want a very traditional, "pure" girl, but there is room for someone like Choco to be an idol, where the contract is known to end when she achieves her goals, yet idolfags are ok with that, so long as it is in good faith.
Thanks to Suiseifag, you fucking autist.