>>77647209That guy here:
She is not totally oblivious to weird fetishes, she hangs out quite a lot with people who very much enjoy erotic things, she milks downbad viewers with her AIs and such. The last one, alas I cannot fully confirm it, is that email address –
[email protected] – is associated with some xvideos and xnxx accounts. Ofc someone else might be the owner of the email and the only thing that makes me anyhow convinced it might belong to actual filian is also it's association to smule (karaoke website), instagram and wattpad (not very guy like websites to use), also it has been around since at least June 2020 as it appeared in Wattpad's database breach from that time. I learned it after learning some of ultra basic osint tool lmao (I know I am fucking creepy for checking that)