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/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General

No.7763787 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cue the Makeover Montage! Edition

Not a lot has happened since the last thread but there are some things that must be addressed. During last night's Outlast 2 stream it was obvious that Nyan's patience was beginning to wear thin. The gameplay loop of searching for items, hiding if spotted, and listening to repetitive voice clips grew to be more irritating than scary. But she couldn't just abandon the stream plans! She'd gone and purchased a heart rate monitor just for this! The answer to this conundrum came in a most unexpected form. To really put the monitor through its paces she began watching videos of sexy girls on Youtube to see how much her heart rate would increase. And, well, technology don't lie. The spike up to 172 while watching a video of the green M&M is proof that she definitely has a type.

Beyond that we've had a small handful of streams today. Cat and Mouse are collaborating in Man of Medan today, and have immediately set about turning this into a story of boy's love. If you happened to catch their playthrough of A Way Out several months back then there's definitely a lot of similar vibes from this stream. Froot also got around to streaming today, and all but confirmed that she will be collaborating with Selen sometime. While she didn't say the name outright, there is an approximately 0% chance there's a single other person who fits the criteria she laid out, so look forward to that sometime in the future!

That's about all of import that's happened today! Tomorrow's looking like it'll be a pretty average day, but don't forget that Thursday is Silver's birthday and there will likely be some festivities to celebrate it on Saturday! At least, that's how things look at the moment. A schedule from her would clear things up but until then we're in the dark. So do what you do best in the dark! Get comfy, ignore bait, and be excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Silver -
Froot -
Mouse -
Zen -
Mel -
Hime -
Vei -

Previous thread: >>7719670