>>77657173It was cancelled as punishment for Millie's GC stream which is also why she went on a sudden hiatus for weeks with no explanation from Niji or her.
They didn't discuss it with management and they also made it at a time where Niji and Holo started cooperating to push back against harassment.
Anycolor saw an issue with this as they cant have such an announcement with another corps as their talents intentionally try to provoke people and outed themselves as being on these boards and most definitely stirring shit themselves.
Covid was an excuse as they cant go out and say:
"Sorry, because our talents were collectively out of line, we decided to punish them by cancelling an event they looked forward to".
Also the usual Niji tricks.
Just how terminations arent in yearly financial reports as they are outside of budget plans due to being considered "unforeseeable circumstances", they applied the same excuse to the event.
An unforeseeable Covid situation as they also cant tell investors "Sorry we cancelled the event and made a financial hole cause multiple talents collectively went against company regulations".
Hence it was "post poned" and only brought back when the finances now need it as they are lagging behind.
See it like a safety net they pull out as finances are shit.