Fuck. Catbox is down, any alternative? Anyway here's a little "tutorial" if you want to do your own tests.
Download original video with yt-dlp (rename that shit to yamu.mp4 or something to make it easier):
https://x.com/PuniPuni_Wey/status/1786860911375847888Speed up the video with ffmpeg. This number (0.81746) I got by dividing 103 / 126 which are the bpms of the two different things we want to sync up. I'm not a musician though so my bpm might be off by a little. Also the "-r 32" part means "32 fps" so the speeding-up process doesn't drop frames as suggested by the wiki (original fps is 24):
ffmpeg.exe -i yamu.mp4 -r 32 -filter:v "setpts=0.81746*PTS" yamu_spedup.mp4
Finally make a longer video by looping:
ffmpeg.exe -stream_loop 20 -i yamu_spedup.mp4 -c:v copy yamu_speduplong.mp4