>>78059747no lie that she has ever told has been kind
a world where mikeneko lies is a world that is wrong, and the more she lies the more wrong it is
the only consequence of her lying is that people suffer
because there can be no other outcome
I've called her wife since I knew how
I don't know when that was
I don't remember her wifeposting after rushia but before nazuna
I see the possibility of just trying to move on
and all it inspires is dread
but no it didn't even qualify as a heraru really
just a mounting worry
which I would have ignored
except for the superchat thing
feel better than I did before the cast still
absolutely insane levels of mikeneko withdrawal
the like of which I haven't felt possibly ever
it remains to be seen
this was a "I couldn't wait one more moment to hang out with you guys" cast
I don't think she's ready to address anything
I feel boneless
I feel boneless
I feel boneless
I feel boneless
I slept 3 or so hours
after the shit yesterday I didn't want to be out for too long in case tweets happened
a mikeneko who's quix doesn't constantly say he loves her and believes in her is a mikeneko that retires and therefore dies
like he's trying to hint really hard that it's mikeneko without being legally culpable for outright saying that it is
and mafu is going along with it