Mori? Yes. She has made more original songs and covers than anyone in hololive and all within less than a year.
Looking at what she's released so far on her channel and others: Excuse My Rudeness, But Could You Please RIP?/ Reaper or Rapper? Self introduction rap/ DEAD BEATS/ Live Again/ Cursed Night/ Off With Their Heads/ Ibasho/ Spiral Tones w/ Rikka/ Red/ The Grim Reaper is a Live-Streamer/ guh/ IJIMEKKO Bully/ Roki (English version)/ Envy Baby! (English version)/ Wah Wah World w/ Kiara/ featured on "Cloudy Sheep" with Watame/ Getcha w/ Suisei/ Country Roads with all of EN1. 18 songs and that doesn't include that she did the song for the Hololive Alternative PV and Empress which was CD exclusive.
Now, not all of the songs are on her channel but they do benefit her in the long run since if you liked those songs, you'll check out her channel and listen to the others and maybe subscribe. She benefits greatly from spreading her exposure whenever she can than most and is more a vsinger than even IRyS. Her game playthroughs are lacking and will likely never be her main draw and are treated as extras to her music career. Just wait and see her release another 20 songs going into her 2nd year as a vtuber.