>>78254330>You don't stop learning as an adultYou're getting real bent out of shape about this. I never said you stop learning when you get older. I said there's a natural, biological disincentive to learning new things as you reach advanced age. I'm perfectly aware that people can choose to learn whatever the fuck they want. What you're failing to acknowledge is that as people get older they don't really want to. You're incapable of understanding that your perception of the world will change as you get older even though you've already experienced it. You're no longer 8 years old but you still remember what you were like when you were 8 years old.
>There's no barrier to learning itThere is and it's based on biology. It's not an insurmountable wall, but it is a barrier that older people tend to not give a shit about bypassing. They know what's on the other side of it because they've experienced it first hand many times when they were younger. It's not a novel experience anymore. The value of learning that new information is remarkably diminished and tempered because of previous experience.
>You aren't fucking special because your "arrested development" brain still picks up slang. I never once implied I was. Deteriorating brain plasticity isn't something you can dismiss this easily. I don't know or care why you're upset about this. Motivation to learn new languages and ways of expressing oneself is one of the first things people discard as they get older. Are there exceptions? Of course. But exceptions aren't the average. It will happen to you whether you want it to or not. Right now you want to learn. That will not always be the case. You as a person will change whether you want to or not, just as you had no choice but to change from the person you were when you were 8 years old. The things you care about now will seem petty and meaningless given enough time.
>There's no artificial generational gapThis is what you said that I refuted. Generational gaps are real. The only thing that's artificial is the arbitrary designation of what generation a person belongs to.