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Soon I will be booking my flight with HoloAir to Japan to watch my Hololive idols at Holofes. Staying at HoloHotel, and grab quick food snacks from HoloMart. I give a call to my partner shopping at HoloMall on my HoloPhone, and go around the city with HoloRide app, where all the taxis are just autonomous AI drivers in form of an avatar representing any Hololive talent of my choosing. My children go to HoloSchool where all the teachers are just hags in Hololive outfit. The tv, entertainment, youtube all are replaced by HoloCast (the only internet and cable service provider that exists). All my money transaction are in HLD (HoloDollars), my employer banks in my salary into my HoloBank account, issued together with HoloExpress credit card. The government is no longer ruled by democracy nor tyranny, but hegemony of Hololive, led by United Holos security council where political alignment is now nothing but a fossil, as all governments (only allowed to exist for serving as disposable, loyal serfs to Hololive) now align their national blueprints and frameworks to their favourite Hololive member.
Life is good on HoloWorld.