>>78808758>So did anyone watch the orange goblin? Is she ANY better? Would she be fun with Gura?She has an unfitting voice that's not particularly pleasant to listen to, her laugh physically repulses me, and her personality seems to be "lol look at how random and chaotic and stupid I am" but she doesn't deliver it in any kind of clever way it's just a little bit sad. Some of it you can chalk up to debut nerves so maybe she turns things around in the future but I'm less optimistic this time than I was about, for example, Ame and Shiori, who both debuted poorly but I saw potential and defended them and was vindicated shortly after.
Of all the girls in the entirety of hololive I think Gigi might prove to be the biggest letdown ever. She doesn't seem to be on the same level of talent and personality as the others in EN. I even liked Liz's debut better, forgive me for saying so - yeah I hate her homobegging and politics but at least she held my attention and was a skillful singer and interesting speaker. Like I can see how she could have done things differently to be a big winner (by shutting her whore mouth about males), I do not see how orange gremlin really can, she just screams 2view indie who doesn't have the "special stuff" to make it in the big leagues, I don't know how she got through the auditions.
Now imagine that level of talent (or lack thereof) trying to collab with Gura who fucking oozes talent out of every orifice and the juxtaposition would be damning. I just cannot picture it making a good stream. I can't imagine listening to Gura's beautiful soul-healing voice and then hearing the gremlin open her mouth and respond without me recoiling in pain.
I dunno. I had high hopes for her and I'm really disappointed.