>>79270206>Stop strategists and natural born winners. they plan every move and their direct/indirect consequences, they minmax for success, money and relationships, any interaction with chat is just a script they reharsed in their head pre-stream.
>Athey know the game, know how to move and never fall for the bait. they do what the job commands them with absolute diligence.
>Baverage girl, they are instinctively good at their job. they behave in weird ways sometimes. like a blind man running, eventually they'll hit their head on the ground
>Ccan't foresee the direct consequences of their actions and usually handle them poorly. might sperg, might not. they had problems when growing up that still show up randomly. they have remarkable qualities that fuel them with confidence. they strive for improoovement.
>Dmental instability, generally caused by humiliating past experiences that still float in their head. they have impostore syndrom. sperging is to be expected as part of their character
>Eautistic. they built a mental model in their head that lacks connection with reality, anything interfering with their models will cause an emotional and/or irrational response. they have an hard time dealing with people, even colleagues. they have a false perception of their mental stability, usually they rank themeselves as A-B tier
>unpredictablecan swing from A to E. most of the noise comes from the pressure of being the strongest in the company. vtuber or mascotte? they don't know either