>>79411586The only possible way to morally excuse her putting the blackscreen on her channel and making those statements is if she was soft pressured into it by Niji, and even then, the fact that we know her parents are well off would mean it couldn't have been a monetary threat that would make someone like Vivi fall in line.
So, let's say she has been pressured, what in gods name could they have used to pressure her with? Taking away all her equipment? No. Convincing her she'll never work in this town again, Hollywood exec style? She's not as insecure as someone like Pomu or Rosemi. Suing her and her family into oblivion? How? And if they did, that shit would never stand in court and she could have just said no, or countersued, using daddy's money.
Unless Niji blackmailed her with some horrendous crime(or tax evasion) they know she committed, there is little to no chance she was pressured into doing this.
Erring on the side of what's most likely, Elira is a vindictive bitch that did it because she thought she could earn some brownie points with Niji higher ups. Defaming a former terminated talent in the public eye already worked once.