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I Think This Board Was PsyOp'd

No.79675038 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is going to be a poorly structured thread but it needs to be made.

Over the past few days I have been doing deep archive reps to try and understand the Dokibird situation better, especially as it was currently happening and how /vt/ reacted before, during and after the transpiring events. My reason for doing this is simple: Any time I see any thread in the catalog which could be seen as even tangentially positive towards Nijisanji, it is flooded with replies calling the OP a sister, bringing up the concert and posting the same r/kurosanji memes. This stuff is pretty funny in isolation, but it's become so prominent. Now anyone who attempts to critique Dokibird or really any non-Nijisanji vtuber is dogpiled on in a way that, to me, seems inorganic and matches the tone of a literal raid.

To rip the bandaid off, my contention is that there is still no proof that Selen tried to commit suicide, and when people have asked for proof such as in >>69213418 the replies are all insults and ad hominem. This was the most egregious example I could fine, but even when someone tries to be thorough and point out that nobody actually knows the details of her hospital visit (see >>70712930) they are still not engaged with and are instead called falseflaggers or schizos or sisters, etc.

This is a forum where the truth can be spoken aloud and yet no matter how hard I have dug into Warosu to assess what actually happened between Selen & NijiEN I am only left with more questions.

The reason I believe this was a PsyOp is simple: After the black stream happened, r/Nijisanji was heavily moderated and thus r/Kurosanji appeared to incubate dissent. You had this rebellious attitude emerge of indies and small corpos both sticking it to the evil big company. Yes, it was a long-time coming, but that just makes it more complicated. I have read enough posts to know beyond mere speculation that there are people who post on /vt/, Reddit and X with similar language out of a vendetta towards Nijisanji, and these same people have all but admitted they use girls like Doki (and even Mint) as a proxy to attack Nijisanji.

But what about r/Kurosanji? They're the biggest offender here, and the reason I believe they're the culprit is because of the content they produce and how that trickles down to /vt/, or vice versa since they source a lot of posts from us. The sub is crazy, they effectively look at what's happening outside of Nijisanji and then use that against the company, sort of like a "Look at how better these guys are" situation. I have seen multiple posts as a result which are full of misinformation and the worst was an untranslated screencap of 5chan following A-Chan's departure that purported to be "NijiJP sisters celebrating her leaving" which anyone could tell you is absurd and patently false. In fact, someone in that thread did, and they were buried under people who took it all at face value.

Look. I think /vt/ is a good board, and I think Nijisanji is a bad company. I don't like Dokibird because she suicidebaited her community and drama vtubers picked that up for clout. This is my opinion and I've seen anons express it just to be called names and accused of trying to shift the narrative. The reality, NO ONE on any platform, not even here, has dared to try and directly challenge consensus on Doki or Nijisanji, and I find that incredibly suspicious. It's such a calcified issue but at the same time people insist that we should just move on, after all Doki did right? Except now she has the same intro, model and fanbase as when she was Selen, but just observing this makes you a schizo hater apparently. Do you see what I'm getting at?

But even looking outside of Doki and Niji the recent week's events with trying to force Holo vs Holo with Fauna, Bae, even Sana... In addition to the sheer vitriol slung towards ERB, not to mention /#/ anons breaking containment and receiving zero comeuppance for it whatsoever... I choose to believe this is a consequence of the PsyOp towards Nijisanji. Because now that the board has a common enemy in the "sister" (who still doesn't even exist as a cohesive group, this supposed "NDF", and I could prove this but the thread is already way too fucking long...) all attempts to sway opinion are met with a brick wall, like you CANNOT question how or why or what specifically went wrong with Nijisanji such that they have to be invoked as the villain in any scenario no matter what.

But I'm rambling now, so I'll wrap this thread up by returning to my initial question. Why did literally everyone take Doki by her word that she attempted to kill herself, and then spin that into "NijiEN bullied her to that point?" Why is asking this question verboten? Why is it met with such an instantaneous toxic backlash? I'm going to get to the bottom of this controversy and no attempt to move past it will stop me, because I truly think the health of this entire board hinges upon a pursuit of the truth.