>>79713683Cover pays a base salary to all members in addition to what they earn from youtube/merch, so even when people are on break they still get paid.
Cover pays for any music or concerts that are company organized. For example, Kiara tried to get Holotori recognized by either EN, ID, or JP management as an official unit and get them to pay for a song, but they weren't interested. The members could have paid for a song themselves, but they wanted official support. A month after Jap took over EN Kiara announced that Holotori had been picked up as an official unit and a few months later their song released on the EN channel. So a whole-gen song collab is likely an official project paid for by Cover, but it might not be (I believe Myth or Treat was done by the talents which is why its not on the EN channel).
Plane tickets and hotel rooms follow the same rules: if the talent is there for a Cover-organized project, then Cover pays. If the talent is there for their birthday 3D or some other personal project or to appear in someone else's 3D live, then the talent pays. In both cases the talent seems to get full staff support while in Japan, with their manager buying anything they need for them.