>>7999468You can just tell when it's actual criticism and when it isn't, you can also tell when it's an egg going full retard monkey when he finally gets a criticism to use, since they will spam threads endlessly and shit all over the place, to the point of annoying people that don't care about Kiara, instead of her fans. Not to mention the usual "narratives" that are just lies. There's a lot of disingenuous posts, concern trolling and falseflags that are hard to catch, but people eventually get even tired of seeing them, getting particularly bad when it's something that doesn't even has anything to do with Kiara, used to attack her, like how Ina and Mori's streams become shitposting fuel.
The only cases where I see non-antis being called eggs are when it's retarded newfags believing everything they see on an anonymous imageboard without source or proofs, parroting bullshit they choose to believe because antis spam non-stop.
I'm not KFP, but the reason why most people, even from other fanbases, are ok with Kiara's """critiques""" being shat on is because they have been absurdly annoying, with zero self-awareness since the start, and are nothing but an eyesore shitting up threads and ruining the fun for everyone else, all while putting the blame on the other fanbases since they were using those other girls to fuel the shitposting.