I'm an artist and I don't respect most artists either.
They are insufferable entitled little fuckwits.
This isn't a recent thing either, history is filled with it any time some new art style came about.
>noooo you can't just copy my style that's bad! These hypocrite fucks turn a blind eye to the history of art itself, where most artistic memes even fucking came from, whatever different styles came about were often copied from one artist to the other whenever any of them saw it become popular.
Applies to most industries, it's why we have half the fucking music genres we do.
It's why we have fucking Hollywood, they directly plagiarized out the ASS so much of the foundational works from their film history.
>>79979489Ferrari can kill themselves. First sale doctrine.
That shit needs to be hard-codified in to law before all this product-as-a-service shit gets even more out of control than it is already!
Fucking Tesla does equally scummy shit with basically renting shit to you.
Fuck cloud cancer, fuck internet-connected cancer, fuck smart-products.
I will never subscribe to your shitty services.
I will go to the effort of making / aiding open-source clones just to fucking spite those cunts