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Why are vtubing fans so ugly?

No.80032476 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Every picture I see of vtubing fans, they are not handsome or beautiful in any way or manner. It makes me sick to my stomach. Why does it have to be this way? Then you have an anon going "they look like fun people." YEAH. they have to be funny or know how to have a good time because their looks will get them nowhere. FUCK.
I can't believe I share the same hobby as people so ugly. Other than cosplayers, I have yet to see a good looking fan. The JP fans are passable looking, but that's probably because they don't eat like NA fans.
Like I've said, I'm sick to my stomach. I can't believe the fanbase is truly so fucking ugly. My heart is breaking. I'm literally shaking in anger and frustration, throwing up thinking how ugly the anons I've interacted with on here must be. I'm completely crestfallen and dissapointed in the fanbase.