>>80449898it's not the same as someone you care about saying something mean to you
sure anons tell you to kys all the time on here but like imagine if your mom suddenly one day while she was annoyed about something you were saying casually told you to kys, it'd feel totally different
that's almost how it feels to me when an oshi says something like that, on that same level
>>80449710I'm guessing you were probably younger when you made that post on /v/ I imagine had I been a teenager and had the same thing happen to me I'd also hesitate to post again but I'm older now
and before you say 'see you did grow thicker skin as you got older' that's only in certain ways like in regards to anonyous strangers; whereas in other ways interpersonally I've become more thin-skinned over the years just from being worn down by people's bullshit for so long
nowadays if a co-worker for example is mean to me I'll just disconnect and shut down at the slightest thing and never even try to form a connection with them anymore