>>80450212Dunno how many will read, but if you're wondering, this style is generally known as "Corporate Memphis" for its resemblance to Memphis furniture, which presents a mix of saturated colors with extreme shapes.
The formal name is actually "Alegria" (Spanish for joy) and was popularized by Facebook in 2017 when they commissioned Xoana Herrera to modernize the site's look. It quickly became widespread around the Sillicon Valley, which is why you see so many companies related to the tech industry in one way or another use it.
You see people drawn in the style being depicted as multicolored blobs with giant hands because the intention around it is to make it feel relatable no matter what is your background and also "safe and welcoming" as some sort of parental figure. The consequence of this is that it leads to the loss of uniqueness and personality in the characters drawn, which is why the style is so criticized in the first place.
tl;dr: Corporate mandated style which has bright colors in an attempt to not look menacing to kids (seriously, try to put any "Corporate Memphis" image in greyscale and it will lose any of the appeal that it may have had before).