nobody will watch boy/girl dramashit though, we don't have the social capital remaining for that to be interesting to any but the most privledged people - and I can't help but notice these types always are, it's always some girl who because of her specific identity's high value is still unbothered by social decay and has high enough social capital available to them they falsely believe others would follow them into various romances. they don't understand the interface between sex and the product because of their high status.
i've been watching a real life one in particular for years through facebook, a former childhood friend who forgot i'm on her friends list. she's 37 or 38 now, the childlessness is starting to wear thin, everyone in her social group is slowly getting fatter in pictures. the band she's in is increasingly stupid and not getting gigs. slowly I realize there is no breaking point, she will do it forever, her reality is impenetrable. so too with this creature, avoid it, it is irrelevant and alchemically inert.