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/vtrp/ vTuber Racing Project - PhaseCar Debut Season rounds 1-3

No.80575320 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to the newest phase in racing! Phase Connect racing, that is. All 27 members of the agency have split away from CorpoCar to form their very own racing series. And yet, none of the 15 rounds this month will take place on ovals, despite the members being too good on them in their last CorpoCar season. Blep. We'll start off with three potentially chaos-filled street races, at Las Vegas, Long Beach, and Houston. See you at 8 PM ET:

>Series spreadsheet:

>VGTC info:
>Cars, tracks, current entries list, and link to video for creating templates:
Signups are already closed; grace period for VGTC liveries will close on 7/13 at noon ET. Series is scheduled to commence on July 28.