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No.8068709 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the FUCK went wrong? Gen1 has a visually cohesive and modern style, with the entire generation maintaining a consistent brand guidelines in design. Iconic, relatively simple designs (except Kiara, who has the worst design).

Gen 2 is ALL OVER THE fucking place and don't look like they belong to the same generation at all. They look like a bunch of indies. The main offenders here are Sana and Kronii.

My god, how did this get approved. Design looks straight out of 2003, the little spiral on her head is retarded. The stupid orange worm thing looks like a MS paint drawing. Redo the weird eyes and get rid of the stupid head baubles. The colour scheme is totally off, too.

FIX THE FUCKING LEGS. This is CLAMP tier bullshit, she has slenderman spooky skeleton legs that look totally out of proportion and way too thin. AIR VENTS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Straight out of a KEY visual novel from 2005. The EYES. Oh my god the EYES are so jarring when compared to EN1's nice uniform modern anime eyes.

Ceres and Mumei look worthy of EN1's standard and fit in with the overall EN brand aesthetic. Baels's colour scheme is visual vomit but at least the art style is on-brand. Overall the awful mishmash of colours across the gen are absolute shit compared to EN1's clear colour denominations though.