>>81306647Which holo wants to own another woman?
>SuiseiWhich holos tried wearing each other's underwear?
>NoelWhich holo had sex with another girl today?
>AkiWhich holo would get the most female customers during prostitution?
>TowaWhich holo is obsessed with watching yuribait clips?
>KroniiWhich holo makes her coworkers uncomfortable with her sexual fetishes?
>ChocoWhich holo gropes her coworkers and then immediately goes to the restroom to masturbate?
>MarineWhich holo hates women because they won't date her?
>KiaraWhich holo worships the ground her mediocre girlfriend walks on?
>MoonaWhich holo feels genuine happiness when she's flirting with the other girls using her anime avatar?
>IRySWhich holo can't sleep after watching a horror movie and really wishes another girl would sleep with her?
>PekoraWhich holo only watches MVs with sexy girls in them?
>LaplusWhich holo orbits around the girl she likes but never says anything to her?
>AquaWhich holos flirts with girls all the time but never commits because she's afraid of being hurt?
>AoWhich holo needs to be sold to a lesbian brothel?
>RadenWhich holo is tired of uber eats and wants a girlfriend to cook for her?
>WatameWhich holo believes in god and thinks she'll go to heaven but will go to hell because she's gay?
>KanataWhich holo is pressured by her coworkers to ERP with them off stream?
>RisuWhich holo thinks housing and food are a human right?
>SoraWhich holo would be screaming at her parents while being a shut-in NEET right now if she hadn't joined hololive?
>GuraWhich holo would be the most embarrassed if she was forced to dress up in her character's outfit?
>InaWhich holo thinks she's smart but has sub 80 IQ?
>KanadeWhich holo has experienced female orgasm?
>All of themWhich holo will be mentally broken first working a real job?
>RushiaWhich holo thinks masturbation is the only joy in her life?
>AzkiWhich holo likes edgy stuff but is too scared to watch horror movies?
>LunaWhich holo was bullied in high school the most?
>MikoWhich holo gets horny when feeling the socks on her feet?