We theoretically COULD have such a thread, they do have a general, the problem OP is that I would not know what could possibly be said about the corporation itself that would be positive.
I am not an employee, thus I cannot speak for their work environment, perhaps they have the best janitors in the industry, but I will never know. I can speak of their work environment when it comes to the ambiance however, which is obviously fucking shit enough that they have a literal queue of talents waiting to leave AND they have more talents that have left than there is talents in the ENTIRETY of the hololive pool. Let me repeat that:
にじさんじ has more talents no longer working for them than ホロリブ has TOTAL.
But that is not all.
Their contracts are incredibly predatory, and not just in the "funny haha unpleasant asian corporation exploits employees" way, no, their contracts essentially steal the majourity of their employees income by having the livers (stomachs, spleens, kidneys, etc) only receive 1~2% of the merch sales. Which is a demonstration that the company does not care for them, they are replaceable! Though that should already be quite obvious.
Riku is financially retarded, this is not even the first company he has ran into the ground IIRC. And as someone who is financially retarded, he put 1/3 to 1/2 of their revenue for the fucking year into buying stocks THAT THEY LITERALLY DESTROYED, burning money for the hell of it, as they are very much hemoraeging money. Their financial reports can say whatever they want in words, "we are growing in Japan", "we had our best year yet", their numbers do not lie.
EXCEPT WHEN THEY DO, because they actively engage in viewbotting, meaning they genuinely DO lie about their numbers to inflate their own importance and manipulate viewers, investers and everyone else to try an make people believe things are going better than they are. Considering this, I cannot say that I even trust their financial reports and would not be surprised if it turns out that they were cooking their books. It would be funny if the NTA were to discover such a thing.
So what positive thing should I praise them for? Tell me
>>81729460, because I do not know. And no, having certain talents in your corporation is not something to be praised with, those talents could be in another corporation and they would still be the same person.