>>8193110She's not. However:
- Ironmouse has an immune disorder called CVID. It's not an autoimmune disorder, that's when the body attacks itself. CVID is a deficiency disorder, where the body doesn't make enough antibodies. While the end effect is similar to AIDS, CVID is a genetic condition and not contagious.
- Ironmouse receives regular plasma transfusions to take advantage of the antibodies produced by donors. This helps her fight off common everyday infections, but it's not a full replacement of normal immune ability. She still must isolate, especially to stay away from stronger infections.
- CVID can be not as pronounced when the person is younger, and Ironmouse had a relatively normal life up to a point. She went to school, went to beaches with friends (but couldn't go into the water), and had sexual relationships. One encounter resulted in jizz in her eye, which caused an infection and her needing to wear an eye patch for two weeks.
- One infection that really fucked her over was a MAC infection, MAC bacteria are everywhere in the environment and healthy immune systems fight them off all the time without any fuss. For Ironmouse, the infection permanently damaged a lot of her lungs and continues to fester there. She regularly has to take some Fuck Off-class antibiotics to keep the infection at bay. This medication has the fun side effect of possible PERMANENT DEAFNESS. It's already given her tinnitus.
- Ironmouse has difficultly digesting most food. Both a single fry and a rice cracker have "not ended well". I'm not sure if she's ever gone into specific detail why this is, but it's a good bet it's her CVID and/or antibiotics that are fucking with her gut biome. She gets her nutrients via meal replacement milkshakes, which she's grown tired of.
- Long, repeated stays in hospitals and being bedridden at home has caused major muscular atrophy. She's (very very) slowly getting some strength back, but even just sitting up in bed has been impossible.
- Unrelated to any medical issues, Ironmouse has a phobia of birds, after a childhood incident where one got caught in her hair and scratched the fuck out of her trying to escape. She also has a phobia of outer space.