>>81883060There's really not any. It's an old urban legend about this number that you could call and talk to this woman-- just a normal middle aged chick-- but if you said "now, now, now" to her she'd start talking like a little girl and do whatever you wanted. I heard about it as a kid in Texas and if course we called the number and of course nothing happened, so we all figured it was just one of those bullshit things kids tell each other like bloody Mary or the crybaby bridge or whatever. Then like a month ago I got a video about it in my YouTube feed by a guy who tracked her down and discovered that she was an actual, real person with multiple identity disorder. Turns out her father raped her as a girl and the phrase he used to make her obey was "now now now", and that teenagers all over New Jersey had been harassing her for years for nude pics and stuff, and that in the end someone made her throw herself down a flight of stairs. Link if you're still interested: