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Nijisanji ex-ID is too fed up to explain the way Anycolor likes it

No.81899224 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Halo abrakadabra everyone
I wish you a good day.

I have some unfortunate news.
Because of reasons I cannot disclose, LASTRENADE Project cannot be released. I have not been in good health and so the project has been halted. When the project was finally finished, Reza Avanluna (of Nijisanji ex-ID) had been a graduated liver for too long so it couldn't be released.

I know this is very disappointing. I sincerely apologize. If you have any further questions, please ask ANYCOLOR Inc. I'm tired of explaining things ambiguously and being forced to do these things by myself.

I love you all, but I'm tired.
I will now take an indefinite hiatus to heal my heart.

Sincerely, Derem Kado