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MSM Is Over Party

No.82004970 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The vtuber talent agency run by the infamous lying grifter Seth Weinstein has finally crumbled to pieces, quietly bleeding roughly 90% of all their talent over the last week. No one was getting paid in a timely manner/if at all, salaries and healthcare were promised to management and used like a carrot on a stick to bait them into doing more work for empty promises, sponsor money was mishandled (laundered?) and everyone that wasn’t Seth was jointly fucked over. Talent and management started to piece together Seth’s intricate web of lies and his sham of a company dissolved to nothingness in less than a week.

As resignations started rolling in, he got embarrassingly intoxicated and got into Discord vc with talent and managers, drunkenly calling them “family” and begging for them to stay.

If you check on their website now, they’ve removed their list of remaining talent after the number was down to 7 people (and dropping) riddance you piece of human garbage, may you never work in this industry again.

TLDR Seth fucked everyone over and finally faced consequences for his conniving buffoonery