>>8211132Starting with OP's question. I would say this image doesn't apply mainly because it is a hobby dedicated and dictated by simping to women. The simps make the rules, and the casuals have to shut the fuck up. However if I had to choose, I would say stage 2.
The Western owned and operated Vtubers have added being a whore into it a little more. I think it's fair to say Vtubers are popular because it's nice to pretend women aren't obnoxious, hedonistic, small-minded, lecherous whores.
So naturally that is what the simps pay for. That's why Hololive is so popular despite the relatively long existence of Western Vtube companies like Vshojo. It's because Hololive keeps their bitches in check. But it doesn't keep them in check so much that they're boring and uninteresting. However it stops them from going full on whore mode.
Where I think this may go awry is if a bunch normie zoomers get in to watching vtube, the collective weight of their entry level sales job paychecks might tip the scales in the Yabai direction. Which might make English vtubers, and for many watching livestreams, impossible. But I think it'll be a cold day in hell before the JP chuubas turn into harlots. Most likely it will happen at the eventual mongrelization of Japan, which I think is already starting. Although I did read a book once (called "The next hundred years" by George Friedman) that said Bushido fascism might be coming back so maybe out chuubas will remain pure indefinitely.
Now I want
I hate this image with a passion. I agree with it on the point that women do things for attention and by proxy make these things worse.
However, I get mad at the crabs in a bucket mentality that these self-identified "nerd" men have.
I guarantee you if a guy wants to pick up women or do drugs, he doesn't need to get into a nerdy hobby. Even of he wants to do something while under the influence, there are countless activities that he could do which don't require him to put in nearly as much effort.
The truth is the "dudebro" is more often than not a guy who enjoys your hobby that also takes care of himself, unlike the self-important "core members", for whom unhealthiness is a virtue. Because, for whatever reason, they are unhealthy physically and mentally. Now, much love to the people out there with hardwired mental problems like autism, but if you're some depressed person you can usually fix that shit by living properly.
Anyways, it's often jealousy or a sense of inferiority, that makes the "core members" feel unwelcome, not the fact that the green and brown dudes are muscling in on them.
It's like how my sister was once a fun-loving "liberated" woman and now that she's single, and too old to be doing that shit, is hyper-religious and is very of any women who look beautiful calling them sluts and whores. It's a cope for someone who made their own problems. But they put their own insecurities on to other people by calling them impure or critiquing how they choose to be.
Not to mention that if the two black guys were so happy before they can just go back to playing with each other. And I already know what someone is gonna say, basically that the non-core members join and influence the progression of the hobby such that it is no longer playable. In instances like Magic the Gathering or Star Wars how those both suck.
In that example I would say that anything built around a culture of consumption is destined for that fate. These are hobbies meant to sell shit. You never owned the damn hobby, you just bought a product and getting mad over "consume product" is cringe to me.
The last thing which pisses me off abt this image is that it's so defeatist. The reality is, as sad as it may be, that things change. I don't like it, but crying about it only keeps you trapped in a cycle of misery. No one is saying you have to be a normalfag, but maybe it's best to accept that being an outsider means being a nomad.