>>82389365female hands typed this post
being a man is where you fundamentally have things like a drive for ambition, wanderlust and wanting to achieve things and have a legacy due to the evolutionary hardwiring of males to be the human that has to take action and dominate the environment to survive and are the ones who physically do the acting upon another to reproduce rather than being a passive vessel
women fundamentally don't understand what would even be so depressing about a static mundane lifestyle and being content with nothing changing or nothing adventurous happening because they're hardwired to live to do exactly this sonce their fucntion is child-rearing and homemaking
this is why men understand LOTR thematically more on a visceral level in terms of the story being all about the concept of adventure itself and the journey to achieve something whereas women only like it because it has pretty men doing cool things and can only concieve of the masculine themes on a more surface level
because of this, no man on Earth is actually satisfied with working a 9-5 or viewing this as the end-goal in itself and this explains all men's problems in modern society as well as all the common pitfalls and problems in modern relationships;
heterosexuals are suffering on mass because all the men do not want to be domesticated whereas the women are all trying to domesticate the men
that anon is correct about women not understanding Lewis' story: the horror os Lewis' story and the reason why he kills himself is because working 9-5 in a cannery is anathema to male psychology on a base innate level whereas rolling bedsheets all day is what women are hardwired to do so to them it seems normal