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A serious rrat about reason why Aqua leaving

No.82472937 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So here is my take after havjng deep thoughts: The direction Cover is heading is the promotion of Hololive IPs, meaning they are gonna really focus on bringing the "Hololive production" blue dorito brand out in the normie sphere as much as possible. Forget about Nijisanji rivals, Cover is aiming at the flesh entertainment world now with the likes of Kpop and Hollywood in hopes to attract normies who have never heard of VTubing to have Hololive as their 1st experience, and this is clearly stated again and again in the financial reports

In short, they are aiming to become the pioneer of VTubing. The one that will make normies acknowledge VTubers or something like that

So what change ? Well the change is that the girls will spend more time in attending events like HoloMeet and Expos and spend more time in sponsors and promos. Concerts are out of question but the other idol activities will increase dramatically, so much that they will become a public celebrity rather than just a streamer playing video games and doing karaokes. They will make sure people like you and me will see Hololive in our daily lives, not just on screen

And this, is what Aqua doesn't sit right with. At the end of the day, she is a gamer first and foremost. Her Apex streams are (part) of reason why she got popular. She signed up to be a gamer who is also a part-time idol. But with this change, the idol part becomes her full-time, and more demands need to be fulfilled. And due to her introverted personality, the pressure will crush her and demotivate her, resulting in this graduation

That's why I think who she mentioned in the viral clip is the higher-ups who could potentially drain the talents' energy up because of a sudden increase of workload for the talents. And that's why Cover simply can't just "revert" a change to satisfy her. That would mean changing the course that Cover drew in the financial report. Cover can try to chill out and slow down for the talents, but they will not abandon the "IP promotion" plan that's set since when they became public

In the end, I don't think there is any "bad blood" between her and Cover. She simply got burnt out and failed to "adapt" the rapid change, and Suisei + Botan claims seem to support that as well. Cover can fix it by slowing the fuck down, but in the end, this is inevitable that Aqua and Cover "don't share the same path"