Quoted By:
>Average CCV plummeting.
>Desperate to make in the music chart she turns off SC, assuming her fans will just buy her album multiple times.
>Instead of playing games the average person would watch, plays shitty VNs and spams fromsoft games.
>only time she even gets close to 10k viewers is when someone actually entertaining like Fauna redirects to her.
>Flipflops her starting time, making it needlessly annoying to catch her streams.
>Instead of making music with other Hologirls, waste time trying to make shitters like JP the wavy and chaki zuli relevant.
>Gets played by Konami by making a shitty song for metal gear, no, hiding behind it being a "shitpost" doesn't make it suck less harder.
>Waste time by doing "reaper business"
>Instead of making her own content better, lean on other Holos to be more entertaining than her during collabs.
>So boring no one wants to clip her, or make viral memes.
>Viewerships die whenever someone overlaps her.
>Only known for sucking on horse cock.
>So Incompetent when it comes to her super expensive MV, it gets postponed, making it even more irrelevant now that the anime it was attached to is over.
>Is such a doormat to her branchmates that she lets everyone think she's responsible for Gura getting in an uncomfortable situation, not even trying to defend herself.
>Squandered her first years in Holo by being a drunk menhera that couldn't stop getting into needless drama, making everyone lose their respect for her.
>She's been a streamer for 4 years, yet still doesn't know how to balance her audio during collabs.
>Sounds like an autistic retard whenever she's in a big group collab, always muttering to herself, and sounds like the most disinterested bitch whenever someone tries to strike a conversation.
>Ruined her image as a sexy onee-san by perpetuating the retarded dad joke, just because being called a mommy made her feel "icky"
>Never creates any yuri ships but Takamori, just because she feels sorry for Kiara, when it was the most forced and awkward ship imaginable.
>not even Reddit wants to talk about her.
>gets constantly ratiod by black people on twitter saying "lol white woman rapper, jesus jesus japanesus"
>Desperately wants similar success like Suisei and Marine, but fails to see what makes them entertaining.
>copes with the fact she is increasingly less relevant by saying it must be a glitch with her YT channel.