>>82741254Then why try to play it off as its a good thing how her termination rolled out?
How in any way is a termination ever 'good'?
I get it, its nowhere near as bad as what happened to Selen/Dokibird but lets out put flowery terms on what is still a devastating event.
Its not good all her projects that were cancelled, its not good all the artists and animators and merch designers who were working behind the scenes on things for her in preparation for the year ahead, it's not good all the collabs that had to be cancelled, it's not good they had to Stalin her out of all HoloFes promotionals and the event, it's not good that even though there is no hard rule to forget her that most of her peers are still uneasy or unsure of anything to say about her, it's not good all the money both her and Cover lost over her sudden exit.
It's just NOT good terms, alright?