>>82746112the game starts with the emperor of tamriel, Uriel Septim VII, having schizo dreams about prophecy and his death, and in a chance meeting, tells Bowson to take his amulet to his bastard son, Martin. TLDR, the amulet represents a pact made a long time ago and involves some shit that protects tamriel from a daedric invasion, and the forseen death of uriel septim comes from a cult of those daedra worshippers who seek to weaken the protection so their lord, mehrunes dagon, can invade.
Bowson takes the amulet to Martin and they work with the emperor's secret service bodyguards to rally a defense and during the invasion of the imperial city, Martin turns into a sick ass dragon as proof of his heritage and kaiju fights mehrunes dagon, sending him back and the day is saved.
Because of the way oblivion's leveling system works, bowson's build is completely borked and so has to cheese her way out of a lot of fights because she is too weak in direct combat. these cheeses include using bugs to her advantage, using her acrobatics to jump to heights unreachable by npcs and shooting hundreds of arrows at them, or just outrunning them entirely with her speed.
Shivering Isles is the schizo DLC, taking place in the daedric prince Sheogorath's realm. He's pretty lolrandom but his power means you still have to take him seriously, kind of fae-like in that sense. capricious and flighty.