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Why are people so bad at detecting grifters?

No.82770049 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know I date myself with this comparison, but Hex Heywire gives me extreme Onision vibes. His voice (which is totally real and not forced btw) and Xitter activities screams pedophile, he repeatedly soured the atmosphere in collabs with inappropriate comments and still he uses the victim card only slightly less than his "Sicklings" use their credit cards. But still he is one of the biggest earners when it comes to NijiEN. Not a top dog, but high enough to make me feel uncomfortable.

I hoped that with him leaving I would've seen the last of him, but with all the RM baiting and invoking of former members like Pomu or Kyo, it seems like he's fired up the marketing machine for his comeback. And he'll make so much money from teenagers and 40yo edgelords that he won't have to learn any lesson. Shit like this is upsetting.